Friday, 25 March 2011

Tutorial Four: Video Production Sessions

In class we were set the task of making a short 30 second or so video based around the theme or overcoming adversity. We got in our groups and our group decided to look at overcoming the slow polytech computers.the basic idea was that we would film someone coming into a computer room and trying to log on to a tech computer only to be waiting forever. this person overcomes this by buying an laptop. Easy.

using storyboards helped us to plan out what we wanted to do and what shots we thought were important to have in our video. we ended up with a pretty long video but i think it went pretty well, and being able to add music and the shots we took meant it was a bit funny as well.

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Technical Issues

Below are the questions we wish to address in this tutorial.  Students are reminded that they will be posting this information to their individual blogs so will need to provide context for potential readers. 

  • Provide an introduction to the focus of your first posting
  • Provide a definition of Information Technology/Information Communications Technology (APA reference required).
  • Interpret this definition in your own words.  What might this definition cover

Hi everyone, this is my first posting in my blog for Participation in Occupation in my Occupational Therapy course. In this paper we are looking at Information Technology (IT) - how it is used in society and its possible uses in treatment of patients. IT “is the use of computers and software to manage information (Information Technology – Definition and History, 2011).” In other words it is the way we use computers, iPods, cell phones, laptops, and all other sorts of devices to store and communicate various forms of information.
Consider the definition of IT you have provided.  How is this form of technology prevalent in our society?  How common place has it become?
  • You should provide your own comments here as well as linking to the comments of others and examples of the use of IT in everyday life.  This can be done by hyper linking to blogs, internet sites, You Tube videos, podcasts etc

These forms of technology are very prevalent in our society, and it isn’t just limited to being a young person’s game anymore. People, companies households, and more are all reliant on IT to function properly, in many cases advances in IT are beneficial but there is plenty wrong with how reliant society is on these devices.

What IT devices or system do you feel comfortable and competent using?
  • These are your own comment.  Why are you comfortable or uncomfortable using IT?  What might limit or expand your use of IT?

I feel comfortable, or rather I am able to use many devices. I can use my ipod and laptop for my music and to use the internet to perform tasks I find necessary or enjoyable, but I don’t feel the need to use the internet for the purposes many people seems to use it for. I am limited in my knowledge of these things but am ok with this as I don’t have an interest in them anyway.
Thinking about your own fieldwork experiences and referring to the tutorial readings answer the following questions (these questions are a useful starting point for your Technology Application Report)
  • How is IT being used in Occupational Therapy practice?
  • What issues exist around OTs adoption of IT systems and tools?
  • What are some of the ways you can envisage IT use becoming a potential tool of practice. You should provide your own comments here as well as linking to examples of OT using IT in practice.  This can be done by hyper linking to blogs, internet sites, You Tube videos, podcasts etc
  • In your own words briefly critique why (or why not) a great understanding and use of IT will help us in our practice and daily lives.

-       It can be used as a way to aid clients in their everyday lives such as internet shopping and banking, etc, setting reminders for people on cellphones etc and as a way to communicate with people.
-       The need to maintain privacy, can the clients actually use the technology effectively or may it be harmful to them, is it promoting an unhealthy lifestyle, especially when used in excess.
-       Same as the first few examples above.
-       I think it could be a very useful tool for organisation purposes. I think there is a danger that people may not comprehend how to use the technology and I think the question needs to be asked if it is healthy to promote excessive use of technology. No one seems to be asking the question of whether or not it is a healthy way to live just living through a computer screen. It’s all well and good having the intention to just use the technology minimally in treatment but once a person sees how easy it is to live online, if they find their own life hard why would they not just live like that. I think there is an obligation as an OT to promote healthy living, getting out of the house and being part of the real society, not the virtual one.
What ethical implications arise from the capturing,  sharing and transferring of information via IT devices (e.g. mobile phones) or systems (e.g. internet)
  • Make your own notes here from class discussions and post your thoughts on your blog.

It is so easy to just take a photo now, but if people are easily identifiable they should be able to have a say in how the photo is used. It needs to be understood that the information can be used to harm as well as help.

Provide a definition of Intellectual Property (APA reference required)
  • Interpret this definition in your own words providing an example of considerations of intellectual property and information technology in OT practice.
“Human innovations and creativity that are capable of being protected under national law and international treaties (Intellectual Property Office, 2011).”
If people have an idea or thought that is originally theirs they have the ability to protect it so no one can pass it off as their own idea.

Provide a definition of Social Justice (APA reference required)
  • Interpret this definition in your own words providing an example of considerations of social justice and information technology in OT practice.

“Fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice (Business Dictionary, 2011).”
the notion that people will be treated fairly in accordance with societal laws, human rights will be upheld and people should all be treated equally as humans
Provide a definition of Informed Consent (APA reference required)
  • Interpret this definition in your own words providing an example of considerations of informed consent and information technology in OT practice.

“Whatever procedure you are to undergo, your consent or agreement is needed before the procedure takes place. This is referred to as Informed Consent (Healthpoint, 2011).”

In a healthcare setting, you should be informed of your options and the potential outcomes of procedures, basically be able to make an informed decision.

Information technology - definition and history. (2011). Retrieved 24th March, 2011, from About:
Informed Consent. (2011). Retrieved March 24th, 2011, from Healthpoint:,
Social justice. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24th, 2011, from Business dictionary:
What is intellectual property. (2010, September 7th). Retrieved March 24th, 2011, from Iponz:


Sunday, 6 March 2011

First Post

Hi everyone, this is my first posting in my blog for Participation in Occupation as part of the Occupational Therapy course. in this paper we are looking at Information Technology (IT) - how it is used in society and its possible uses in treatment of patients. It "is the use of computers and software to manage information (Information Technology - Definition and History, 2011)." In other words it is the way we use computers, iPods, cell phones, laptops and all others sorts of devices to store and communicate various forms of information.