Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging

This tutorial looked at digital imaging, its use for transferring information and how it may be done, and ethical issues surrounding digital imaging. We also had to take some photos to make a Flickr Badge.

Below are the questions we wish to address in this tutorial.  Students are reminded that they will be posting this information to their individual blogs so will need to provide a context for potential readers

List some of the ways that digital images are stored transferred and manipulated using information technology.
  • Provide examples of the hardware and software you are familiar with
  • Prove at least three examples of the use of digital imaging to provide information and recording.  This can be done by hyper linking to blogs, internet sites, You Tube videos, podcasts etc.  You need to provide an explanation for each example, using your own words.  Some examples will be provided on the course blog and during tutorial sessions.

Hardware I am familiar with:
Cell phones
iPods, iPads, iPhones
Digital cameras

Software I am familiar with:
Windows media player
Microsoft office

1)    Digital imaging can be used to provide news and information through television and through the internet. News of the day is posted often in video or picture format on most news websites, so people can go to these websites to found out what has been happening. Here is an example:   This use of digital imaging allows fast updates and current news to be viewed around the world.
2)    Youtube is a website that allows users to upload videos containing all sorts of information, things they are interested in, their views and opinions, virtually anything can be uploaded. People often use Youtube to video blog for various reasons, here is an example: . In this case, the guy in the video is talking about a video he is hoping to make and about Blizzcon. He has almost 500,000 subscribers to his videos, so using digital imaging he is able to let his subscribers know what is going on.
3)    Bands often use Myspace as a way to promote their music, both large worldwide bands and bands starting out. People may upload a new video to Myspace in the hope of raising their profile. Here is an example: . in this case Radiohead has used digital imaging to show a concert version of a song people may not have seen. This feature can be updated to put on new videos as required.

“A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature”

·         Briefly discuss this statement in relation to digital camera technology.  What would you consider to be some of the pluses and minuses digital camera technology holds in relation to more traditional film based cameras?
I would definitely say that digital cameras are superior to film based cameras for a number of reasons. With the film based cameras you had to be very careful about not exposing the film to the sun otherwise the picture would be damaged. There isn’t this concern with digital cameras. Digital cameras allow you to take as many photos as you like and the best ones can be chosen whereas with film based cameras you don’t have that convenience. There are different settings on digital cameras which allow you to deal with different weather and lighting conditions whereas some film based cameras require very good lighting for a good picture.

In these regards digital cameras are superior. But they are inferior in some ways. As the images are stored on memory cards if anything happens to the card or the camera (of the computer they get stored to) the computers may be lost forever. Film based cameras produce an actual photograph. This can be done with digital cameras too but it is pretty expensive. I think digital cameras take away the skill required to take a good picture, and I don’t think they capture a moment as well. You often see people take a dozen photos of a group of friends because someone doesn’t like their hair or how they look. With the film based cameras you don’t have the ‘luxury’ of looking back on the photos until they get developed but this means you just take a picture and it is genuine and real and in the moment. I don’t believe digital cameras can always capture a moment like a film based camera may. There is anticipation and reward in waiting for a film to be developed, with digital cameras it is just too easy.

Given the prevalence of image capturing and distribution using IT, what ethical issues may arise with their use?
·         Provide at least 2 examples here

1)    People may be captured in photos either intentionally or unintentionally and may not want to be in the photo. There is an ethical issue there because everyone should have the right to say whether or not their picture is taken.
2)     They don’t know what their picture will be used for so they have the right to say whether or not they have their picture taken, but permission is rarely asked.

Briefly discuss some of the ways that digital images could, or are, being used in occupational therapy practice

·         Include reference and links to any web sites, or blogs you might come across

Digital images could be used to compare cases between occupational therapists, to get other opinions from others about a client’s progress etc. For example an OT based in physical rehab could take a video one week of a patient and take one a few weeks later to show progress to other OT’s. This could also be used as a motivational tool for the patient as actually seeing improvement can be a motivational tool.


          HuskyStarcraft. (2010, October 17th). Pre blizzcon 2010 blog. Retrieved May 11th, 2011, from Youtube:

          Key will campaign on KiwiSaver changes - Video. (2011, May 11th). Retrieved May 11th, 2011, from 3 News:

          Radiohead. (2011, April 12th). Retrieved May 11th, 2011, from Myspace:

Tasks associated with this tutorial

  • Students are expected to demonstrate their competence in using a digital camera, and tripod, capturing 5 images which they will display on their blog
  • Students are expected to open a Flickr account and up load the photos they have captured
  • Students are expected to link their Flickr photos to their blog by creating a photo badge (depending on time constrains this task may be completed in a latter tutorial)
  • Students should keep a copy of all login and password codes.  The lecturer will provide sheets where these can be recorded and will hold a copy.

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